Photos from hiking at the Windy Hill Open Space Preserve with Adrian, Debby, Evelyn, and Merry.
Hiking at the Windy Hill Open Space Preserve in Portola Valley on a beautiful clear Sunday morning. There's Debby, Adrian, Evelyn, and Merry.
In just under 3 miles we had hiked up about 1000 feet and was greeted by great views of both the SF Bay and (on the other side) the Pacific Ocean. We would eat here; if you are wondering what Debby is doing on the ground, she is wisely shielding herself from the wind!
Adrian and Evelyn, enjoying the day...
At the top was Skyline Blvd., a favorite road of motorists and sports car drivers alike.
Speaking of sports cars, here's Goldie, back in the land we used to roam (Portola Valley) back in our Stanford days. You can sort of see Adrian's black Z3 in there too. Can't wait 'til our next hike!