Bow Wowvania
I don’t have a dog, and I have to say that I’ve become something more of a cat person after my two curious and furry feline housemates, Oreo and Tiger, moved in a couple years ago. (I don’t have a web post about them, but they will be creating their own website soon. ) Yet I do love four-legged creatures of the barking variety, too. Hence, I went to Fort Collins’ first annual Bow Wowvania—essentially a trick-or-treating event for canines—despite not being able to get my usual dog-owning friends to come along.
Except for one: my friend Colleen, a veterinarian student. She agreed to bring her rambunctious scrambler Quita at the last minute. Quita was definitely a happy dog by the end of the event.
Below are photos. Quita got lots of Scooby snacks while us humans got amusement from, well, what you can see for yourselves in the photos.
I sent some of these photos to my dog-owning friends, and one of them (Tori) responded, “Where were all the dogs?” The answer was simple: there weren’t that many because all my friends—except for Colleen—failed to bring theirs!