Ten Commandments of Ultramarathon Cycling
This is a list of suggestions I have found helpful when riding various centuries, double centuries, and longer ultramarathon bicycle rides. Not that I have followed each one of them every time—except for #10 perhaps!
- Thou shalt drink and eat regularly (e.g. every 15-30 minutes), and way before thou becomes thirsty or hungry.
- Thou shalt make sure his equipment is in working order before the long ride.
- Thou shalt get a good night’s sleep before each event.
- Thou shalt conserve energy on the hills by staying on the saddle and spinning over 65 rpm at most times.
- Thou shalt be alert enough to stay on course and not get lost.
- Thou shalt not suck the wheels of a tandem or draft off a paceline for the entire 100+ miles.
- Thou shalt respect motorists and other cyclists on the road, which entails obeying all traffic laws.
- Thou shalt point out potholes and road obstacles to following cyclists.
- Thou shalt have a positive attitude despite horrendous environmental conditions and hapless mechanical breakdowns.
- Thou shalt not pee on someone else’s lawn but his own.