Bowling with Aaron, Carolyn, Loren, and Suzie. Here's Suzie!
Suzie giving bf Loren a cute look.
My bud Loren after giving it a try.
Felix Wong cooking Carolyn dinner the next day, in time for La Noche Espanola...
...but Carolyn seemed to be more impressed by Ethan, winner of Survivor III, in this Giorgio Armani ad instead, for some reason!
Carolyn all bundled up as Felix's "Muslim girl" on the way to Stockton, top down and all.
Carolyn with my good friends, Frank and Mila, in Stockton.
Felix, the Tiger Woods-beater (not), showing Carolyn how it's done (again, not) at Golfland in Stockton.
Carolyn doing the dreaded volcano!.
Carolyn in front of the new WinCo in Stockton, where one can buy 5 lbs of tortilla chips for like $2.50 (if one had the urge to eat 5 lbs. of tortilla chips for some reason...)