Saturday was the formal Class of '93 LHS Reunion, at the Italian Athletic Club in Stockton.  The very first person I ran into was Issa Mukhar, who (being something of a brilliant guy) graduated from high school 1 year early, so it had actually been 11 years since I last saw him!

Stockton Reunions

Pics from the recent holidays, including Thanksgiving at my folks’, an informal and formal 10-year Lincoln High School reunion.

In my parents' back yard, comprising of a couple of acres of grass and a barn.
In my parents' back yard, comprising of a couple of acres of grass and a barn.
I went with Esther and Jay to the informal Lincoln High School Renunion at the Garlic Bros., where we promtly met Kelly Jonbrazil, among others.  It was great to see and talk with them after 10 years!
I went with Esther and Jay to the informal Lincoln High School Renunion at the Garlic Bros., where we promtly met Kelly Jonbrazil, among others. It was great to see and talk with them after 10 years!
Saturday was the formal Class of '93 LHS Reunion, at the Italian Athletic Club in Stockton.  The very first person I ran into was Issa Mukhar, who (being something of a brilliant guy) graduated from high school 1 year early, so it had actually been 11 years since I last saw him!
Saturday was the formal Class of '93 LHS Reunion, at the Italian Athletic Club in Stockton. The very first person I ran into was Issa Mukhar, who (being something of a brilliant guy) graduated from high school 1 year early, so it had actually been 11 years since I last saw him!
I hardly recognized Richard Lee, but he looked really good after all these years.  He's now doing stuntwork in martial arts for Hollywood, which sounded totally cool.
I hardly recognized Richard Lee, but he looked really good after all these years. He's now doing stuntwork in martial arts for Hollywood, which sounded totally cool.
Kelly was there too!
Kelly was there too!
This is me with Katherine Swanson and Charles, whom she met at UVA in Virginia.  Unfortunately this was the last picture I took all evening; there were many ol' friends I wished I had snapped pictures of.
This is me with Katherine Swanson and Charles, whom she met at UVA in Virginia. Unfortunately this was the last picture I took all evening; there were many ol' friends I wished I had snapped pictures of.
The next morning, over in Tracy, I got to visit the magnificent home of Eleanor and Jun (who I met by complete coincidence at a party in Stockton on Friday!!) in order to take pics of Sharon's family.  Here is sweet Sharon herself (left) with sister Karen, Karen's husband Allen, and cute little Emmalee.  It was a great weekend
The next morning, over in Tracy, I got to visit the magnificent home of Eleanor and Jun (who I met by complete coincidence at a party in Stockton on Friday!!) in order to take pics of Sharon's family. Here is sweet Sharon herself (left) with sister Karen, Karen's husband Allen, and cute little Emmalee. It was a great weekend