There's Pin-pin, Rafael, Michelle (Rafael's friend from the east coast), and Josephine on this supposedly "EASY!" hike (according to Pin-pin).

Marin Headlands, CA

On December 1, 2002, I went hiking at the Marin Headlands with Hank, Josephine, Michelle, Pin-pin, and Rafael. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and hardly a cloud in sight—a quintessential Bay Area day.

The two-hour hike offered stunning views of the ocean, hills, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Pin-pin, a friend from high school now in graduate school at Stanford, brought Rafael, her classmate and boyfriend. Michelle, a Taiwanese-American friend of Rafael visiting from the East Coast, came along and seemed to appreciate California’s beauty.

We walked, talked, and enjoyed the scenery as the trail meandered through golden grasses and along coastal ridges. The company made the day feel easy and fun, taking in the sight of waves breaking against the shore.

It was one of those outings that reminded me how special the Marin Headlands are—especially when shared with friends.

Hank and Rafael beyond the "CAUTION! Do not go beyond this point!" point.
Hank and Rafael beyond the "CAUTION! Do not go beyond this point!" point.
Crashing waves on a beautiful December day.
Crashing waves on a beautiful December day.
There's Pin-pin, Rafael, Michelle (Rafael's friend from the east coast), and Josephine on this supposedly "EASY!" hike (according to Pin-pin).
There's Pin-pin, Rafael, Michelle (Rafael's friend from the east coast), and Josephine on this supposedly "EASY!" hike (according to Pin-pin).
Mt. Tam (the highest point in Marin County) and other mountains in the distance to the north.
Mt. Tam (the highest point in Marin County) and other mountains in the distance to the north.
Felix Wong enjoying the view...
Felix Wong enjoying the view...
...while the others chat and Michele starts NAPPING!
...while the others chat and Michele starts NAPPING!
Dangerous Pin-pin doing her karate chop.
Dangerous Pin-pin doing her karate chop.
Following Rafael back to the car... but not this way!  [See Pin-pin's pictures]
Following Rafael back to the car... but not this way! [See Pin-pin's pictures]