It doesn’t matter if you are not that into art; any time you go to a city like Paris, you must visit its museums. I went to visit the Orsay Museum and the Louvre, the latter being home of the Mona Lisa.
[Louvre] Before the French Revolution, the Louvre was the royal palace in Paris. Then the commoners took it over and turned it into a museum. The glass pyramid also wasn't there until last century, designed by an American!
[Louvre] The modern glass pyramid looks pretty cool but a little out of place, in my opinion...
[Louvre] This is one of the fragments of la Frise des Panathenees, which decorated the exterior of the greatest Athenian temple, the Parthenon, in 440 B.C. In this fragment, a half-main/half-horse creature is
[Louvre] The Venus de Milo was indicative of the ancient Greeks' idea of a beautiful woman. But to me, the head could have easily passed for a young man!
[Louvre] Is this the coolest statue or what? It's the Guerrier Combattant, dit Gladiateur Borghese (Borghese Gladiator), made around 325 B.C..
[Louvre] At last, I see the Mona Lisa!! Note the huge crowd around it, including many people who seemed to walk right by the other exhibits without giving so much as a glance. It is a great painting, though, exuding both beauty and intrigue.
[Orsay Museum] Outside the Musee d'Orsay (Orsay Museum) was what must have been the most talented musician in the world... a guy playing the trombone, accordian, symbols, and drums, all at the same time!
[Orsay Museum] Soft porn of the 19th century? This is a stunning painting by Ingres called La Source. It is absolutely gorgeous!
[Orsay Museum] I never got to see the Opera in Paris, but at least I got to see a mock-up of it in the Musee d'Orsay...
[Orsay Museum] The Orsay Museum houses a few of Rodin's works. I believe there are more of Rodin's works near L'Orangerie in Paris. There's also a significant collection in the Stanford Art Museum in California!
Just outside (west) of the Louvre is Le Jardin des Tuileries. Despite being a dense city, Paris has an abundance of parks, trees, and flowers.