Posted pics from the Santa Cruz Sentinel Triathlon, where I did not participate but got to cheer on Sharon. She finished an amazing 8th out of 103 in her age group.
Today I got to be a spectator instead of a participant in the Santa Cruz Sentinel Triathlon, cheering sweet Sharon on. Here is the woman of the hour herself!
Sharon and her Gu, getting ready for the 1-mile swim in the Pacific Ocean.
The race literally started with a "bang", thanks to 4 rifles being fired by men in skirts among comrades playing the bagpipes.
Sharon got to start in the 4th wave with all the under-35yo women. Here they are all lined up, getting ready to leap over a ditch...
... and race towards the water!
Sharon was out of the water after a rapid 25 minutes and out of the transition after another 5. Here she is moments after getting on her Griffin tri bike.
Her feet clipped in, she is all set to go. Later she'd report the course was so crowded it was almost difficult to overtake other cyclists, but she still completed the 25-mile leg in under 1:15 for an impressive average speed of 20.0 mph!
Here Sharon begins the 10k run.
Gary, a fellow member of the Tri-City Tri Club, was also there! He was having a good day and reported finishing just 1 minute behind his time last year, despite very little training!
Sharon was blazing through the last half-mile and nearly caught Gary. Here are the two of them after crossing the finish line.
In fact, she ended up finishing 8th in her age group out of 103 women! Here she is, all smiles with her medal around her neck and cup of Gatorade in hand. A great day for a great gal!