Ardenwood Celtic Festival invited the MG Owner’s Club to bring their MGs. Goldie and I were happy to oblige, especially since it was in my hometown of Fremont. Oh, and the festival was fun (and educational) too.
At the Ardenwood Celtic Festival in Fremont, the MGOC was invited to show their British cars. Goldie was there, though we initially parked in the wrong spot and had to move.
In the morning, Steve a fellow Fremont resident from the Sorry Safari Club (he brought his '65 MGB roadster) and I roamed around the historic farms. Here are a couple of goats.
Even sheep
Here's a massive steam-powered farm tractor that used firewood as fuel. We went for a ride.
Then we watched some Scotts and Irishmen in kilts do their thing while having lunch. I had "British Bangers", which turned out to be a pork sausage with onions in a roll (like a hot dog).
Back to the cars. There were mostly MGBs, including Dan Shockey's violet MGB/GT.
There were no MGAs or TCs, but there was this gorgeous light-blue TD.
The interior of the TD.
Here's Goldie with Canny on the back, which I rode home (and, later on, back) since I didn't want to stay for all 7 hours my car had to be there.
This rubber-bumpered MGB had an aftermarket supercharger installed, which looked period-correct.
The same MGB also had some nice custom woordwork installed.