Mini-golf at Karts-N-Golf in Fremont with Carolyn.
Carolyn always enjoys beating me in mini-golf despite my clearly superior putting skills (haha). Here she is with a monster tree.
Tiger Woods, here I come. Felix Wong and his clearly superior putting skills (haha again).
For some reason I had problems hitting the toilet seat. (with Carolyn laughing at me in the background)
No way! I exclaimed as Carolyn made the hole-in-one "Free Winner Game". This made me reminisce about the first time we met in Pittsburgh 6 years ago when I did the same thing!
Carolyn's free game-winning ticket. I guess I'll save it for you girl.
Carolyn and Goldie, who shuttled us around the bay that entire weekend while the Alfa had its driveshaft out awaiting new U-joints.