Hotel Pastis, by Peter Mayle
Over the last few months I’ve become quite a Peter Mayle fan. His non-fiction masterpieces (with A Year in Provence being my favorite) are comical, insightful, mouth-watering (due to all the food references), and just superbly written. His descriptions and stories of Provence also remind me a lot about Northern Colorado, although (I am sure) the two regions are very different.
So I was delighted to pick up a copy of Hotel Pastis from the local library, which was Peter Mayle’s first attempt at writing a novel. This particular book resonated with me, as its themes include 1) departing the corporate world for enhanced freedom after a successful career, 2) moving down to scenic, sunny country with grand views and friendly people to start anew, 3) adventures in a sports car (in this case, a black Porsche), 4) training on a bicycle, and 5) romance and the bachelor life. Although it is fairly long (389 pages), it is fast-paced and a quick-read with never a dull moment.
Those who dream about starting a new life and escaping the rat race should definitely read this book!