Share the Road License Plates
Usually when it comes to progressive issues—especially those pertaining to the great outdoors—California leads the way. However, here’s something that Colorado is at the very forefront of and is even providing CA some guidance on: “Share the Road” license plates.
Now, at first you might think that this is merely a vanity plate for bicycle-obsessed people such as those who are present en masse in both the Rocky Mountain and Golden States. But the purpose of these plates goes more than sheetmetal deep. For example,
Each special Colorado license plate sold will provide funding to support the Share the Road Education Fund in making roads safer. Some of their programs will include:
- Educating motorists on how to safely share the road
- Educating bicyclists on the rules of the road and safe riding
- Educating event directors and bicyclists on best practices for event safety
- Providing guidance to bicyclists involved in crashes
- Outreach to law enforcement on the rights and responsibilities of motorists and bicyclists
In Colorado, the Share the Road Bill (SB 67) has already passed the Senate Transportation Committee by a 6-1 vote. However, it still needs to ride through five more committees and then our Democratic governor, Bill Ritter (I expect him to pass it.) You can track its progress here.
In California, there is now a petition circulating that alludes to the Colorado bill several times in hopes that a similar one will pass in CA. That petition is here. If you are a California resident, please sign it; thanks!
Assuming the bill in CO passes, I will probably be getting one of these plates for my next car. I think it is one of the coolest plates ever, well aside from Tori’s Yosemite rock climbing plates.
On a related note, my friend John from Florida has just notified me that Fort Collins was named 2nd safest city to drive in (only beaten by Sioux Falls, SD). It does seem like for the most part, Fort Collinsers are already pretty good at sharing the road.

There are 2 comments.
I came upon your site (didn't expect to enjoy my search so much - you obviously live your principles . . .admire that) . . .but I was trying to find "COLORADO TUDOR CLUBS" and your site came up.
I've listed a real find on ebay of a 1928 Ford Tudor - blueprinted and balanced but chopped custom with all new parts. Holley spitters and nickel silver radiator never have been mounted even and a master machinist did the body work. It's # 300078952203 (the reserve is $14k).
Even if you're not interested . . . THANKS FOR THE MOMENT OF BEAUTY IN YOUR SITE.
I put out a web search because I'm looking for 1928 Ford Tudor license plates for Colorado . . we have a Ford Tudor...and it took me to your website? Still have some