Bataan Memorial Death March
Over the weekend, some friends and I were in New Mexico for the Bataan Memorial Death March, which was a very fun and educational experience. Here are some photos and some e-mail excerpts summarizing how the marathon went for us.
Thanks—I got back last night. I was surprised at how fast I could hike (12-14 minute pace) with a 41-pound pack on. I was hiking pretty much all of the first half—especially since Miles 6-14 were all uphill—but started running in the second half. I ran all the downhills, some at sub-10 minute pace.
For a while I was thinking I’d finish in 5:30, but then came the infamous “sandbox” at Mile 20.5, which was 1.5 miles long of ankle-deep sand. After that, I was very tired, dehydrated, and my shoulders were in major pain (I guess as a result of having 41 lbs. on my back!), and it became a real challenge to finish under 6 hours. I barely managed to do so by picking it up in the last 1/2-mile and sprinting at the end.
My friends (who were running the entire way, sans pack) did really well too—2nd place in the Co-ed Team Civilian Light Division. Only a team from El Paso, TX (who had beer bellies, no less!) beat them. Another friend came in 9th in the Female Civilian Light Division too. She probably could have placed even higher, but she held back to run with the team (Drop and Give Me 26.2). In any case, Fort Collins was represented well.
It was a super fun, unique, and inspirational event!
Final Results
Total Time: 5:58:46
Age Group (30-39): 3/33
Overall in the Civilian Male Heavy Division: 8/104
Official Results
Time Splits
Mile 1: 14:55
Mile 2: 12:58
Mile 3: 13:44
Mile 4: 12:37
Mile 5: 13:22
Mile 6: 12:37
Mile 7: 13:04
Mile 8: 13:56
Mile 9: 12:33
Mile 10-11: 30:23 (15:12/mile)
Mile 12: 15:19
Mile 13: 15:26
Mile 14: 12:37
Mile 15: 9:52
Mile 16: 9:44
Mile 17: 10:30
Mile 18: 12:56
Mile 19: 10:59
Mile 20-21: 26:39 (13:20/mile)
Mile 22: 18:54
Mile 23: 14:43
Mile 24-25: 34:23 (17:12/mile)
Mile 26: 14:49
Mile 26.2: 1:49 (9:05/mile)

One comment:
Felix, congratulations on a great finish. Thanks for writing about my team beating your friends team - by a big margin nonethless. I am a member of the "beer bellies" team from El Paso Tx. Hope you or your friends can make it again for there is no other marathon like Bataan. Thanks for the motivation. LZ