Thousand Island Lake, China
What happens when you flood a valley containing over a thousand hills and mountains for a river dam project and hydroelectric station?
The peaks become islands, that’s what. And that’s how Thousand Island Lake—a.k.a. Qiandao Lake—got it’s name.
Qiandao Lake is now an awe-inspiring scenic area and tourist attraction, and our tour group got to board a mini cruise-ship for a short ride over to a couple of the islands. One of them was named Lock Island, and it soon became obvious how it got this moniker. It had a fun padlock theme, including what is supposedly the world’s largest lock and fences made of giant wooden locks.

We were given a couple hours to “explore” this island, which in Chinese fashion, was absolutely free of litter and graffiti. It was an absolutely delightful, and gorgeous, destination. See photos below.