Adrienne, Anne, Loren, Shane and I decided to go outdoor climbing on this January weekend. Mistake! It was crazy cold. We only managed to get a couple of climbs in before packing things up, it was that cold. Still, it was good to be out on the rock.
Hey, it's Kenny from South Park! =) No, that's actually Adrienne all bundled up on this crazy-cold day.
Here's Anne actually being a sane person (unlike I!) and sheltering herself from some horrendous winds!
Here's my bud Loren setting up anchors! You can see Shane standing behind him if you click on this pic.
Here's Loren belaying. Safety first! =)
Here's Loren climbing. Yep, we set up anchors for 1.5 hours just so each of us could do this easy 60-footer in 1.5 minutes! That's Shane up at the top.
A purty view from Goat Rock. At least it didn't rain!