Tour Divide: Day 08
Ride time: 8:15 a.m.-11:00 p.m. (14.8 hours)
Miles ridden: 109 on-course + 1 off-course = 110
Total on-course miles covered: 732
MTBCast Call-in
Submitted by sherry on June 20, 2008 – 3:22 p.m.
Racer update about: Felix WongHi, this is Felix Wong calling on Friday, at 12:11 June 20th. I’m calling from Butte. I’m having a great day again. Last night I stayed at a hotel in Basin. Actually, this hotel was more like a rental house. It even had a dryer so I was able to wash my clothes. Had a real bed, modern western flushable toliets. So luxurious. Yes. So had a good night’s sleep and came down to Butte and had a great downhill. Much easier than yesterday. I’m so glad.
Now I’m actually having a pork chop sandwich here in Butte. This is great. Being in a real town has been a delight. I’m not sure if I will get to a real town tonight, but maybe tomorrow I will be able do so.
I heard that Kevin Hall is back home safe in Kentucky. I wanted to send him my regards. I’ve been thinking of him especially on the climbs and riding for both of us. I’m going to try to hang in here as long as possible to Mexico. You take care buddy. Bye.
Felix Wong meets a Race Fan in Butte
Submitted by sherry on June 20, 2008 – 3:30 p.m.
Racer update about: Felix WongHi, this is Felix Wong calling on Friday at 1:00 p.m. I’m still Butte. I’m on my way out but I wanted to tell you about the most amazing thing.
I stopped by The Outdoorsman. It’s a bicycle shop. A gentleman when he found me said, “You must be Mr. Wong.” I couldn’t believe that he knew who I was. He has been following the race online. It was Levi Leipheimer’s older brother Rob. So if there is anyone behind me—I believe only Steve is behind me now—defintely stop by there. I stopped by there to get some tubes. I’m on my way. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.
From the Notebook
- Talked with Elizabeth at the Merry Widow Health Mine for 20 minutes before heading out.
- Climbed strongly to Butte with highway descent.
- Had a pork chop sandwich, blackberry shake and onion rings at Royse’s Restaurant in Butte, MT.
- Bought a couple Specialized tubes at Rob Leipheimer’s bike shope, The Outdoorsman. However, he gave me the ultralight kind. I should have requested standard thickness tubes or, better, Slime tubes as I was having enough trouble with flats already.
- Crazy descent on a grassy knoll well after Butte.: had to walk while weaving downhill.
- At Wise River, had a coke at the bar and refilled water bladder.
- Bar patron outside told me a joke. “Look at the droppings of bears to tell the difference between black and grizzly bears. For black bears, the droppings will consist of berries, leaves, etc. For grizzly bears, the droppings will consist of bear spray, etc.”
- Kept riding well into dark (11:00 p.m.) on scenic highway before camping at Mile 172.3 (on Adventure Cycling map; 732 miles from Banff). Was riding inspired and pretty sure that I was going to catch Mike Dion and Mary Collier-Metcalf at some point in the next couple days.