Hiking in Fort Collins
One of the many fantastic things about Fort Collins is the plethora of open space recreation areas just a stone’s throw away from almost anywhere in town. But I can’t say that I’ve been taking great advantage of this until Katherine—who just moved back to Fort Collins a few months ago—started organizing weekly Sunday hikes.
Initially, our hiking “parties” included just four people. But as our Spanish conversation group grew, so did the number of people we invited out to our hikes. We now have a tight-knit group of fun and witty young urban professionals, many of whom are recent transplants to the area.
Usually we start out with a local hike of about 3-4 miles, and then return to a private restaurant for a post-hike dinner and conversation. We have quickly bonded! These are some of the hikes we have done so far:
- Reservoir Ridge: our local favorite, one that we have hiked many times with a few variations. Dogs are allowed.
- Coyote Ridge: No dogs are allowed but has some nice overlooks when you get to the top.
- A-Trail (I’ve missed out on this so far but know it well).
- Grey Rock (ditto)
- Gateway Park: A nice hike in the Poudre Canyon that’s close for North Fort Collinsers like Noelle and I.
Below are photos. I’ll be adding more pictures to this collection as we do more hikes.