Cusco, Peru
Cusco is an inland city in Peru that was founded around 1100, has a population of 430,000 people, is surrounded by mountains, and sits at over 11,000 feet. For us, it was a staging point for trips to the Sacred Valley (for via ferrata and zip lining) and Machu Picchua. My friend Mel and I twice did pre-breakfast runs of about three miles, and along with Matthew and Teresa, did a lot of walking to and from the places shown in the photos below.
In addition, we visited a couple museums exhibiting arts and artifacts, and took note of the number of people wearing apparel sporting a large Batman symbol. (We saw at least three. The caped, masked superhero seems to be popular everywhere in the world.) Mel, Teresa and I also tried eating alpaca and guinea pig on our last evening in Cusco.
Alpaca tasted slightly gamy and was very lean, whereas guinea pig seemed to have a lot of fat under its skin. Neither tasted like chicken. We all much preferred eating alpaca meat, although guinea pig wasn’t offensive to my taste buds either.