Felix Wong playing a cover of Jim Brickman's "All I Ever Wanted."

Romance by Jean Sibelius (Virtual Piano Concert)

Here’s the third song in the series of COVID concerts that’s only 20 years older than my 1924 Chicago Cable Company piano: Romance by Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. I like the song because it sounds like a dialogue between two people courting each other. You can listen to it with your eyes closed and imagine the attraction, tension, climax, and reconciliation all within this five-minute piece.


I have yet to play it perfectly, but this is the closest I’ve gotten so far. The goal is to eventually get mistakes down to zero, but that may take a while considering the amount of practice I get is closer to that of a reluctant nine-year-old whose parents are making him play than the second coming of Beethoven.

Felix Wong playing a cover of Jim Brickman's "All I Ever Wanted."
Felix Wong playing a cover of Jim Brickman's "All I Ever Wanted."