Rastrexo Camos 2022: A Nighttime Adventure Race in Galicia
“The race will be from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m.,” Andrea told me. She had put together a team of hospital colleagues and friends to do the fifth edition of Rastrexo Camos, an adventure race.
As I never had done a Spanish adventure race before, I did not know what to expect. I did, however, take a two-hour nap the evening before to make sure I could stay awake during it.
The event turned out to be mostly a nighttime hike through the woods with lots of elevation gain, with seven pruebas (tests).
- A sprinting/Tic-Tac-Toe competition.
- A hand-foot hopping challenge.
- Carrying a stone over to a kettle through a short obstacle course using a pipe and two strings.
- Using a spoon to move cotton balls into a plastic cup on your head while blindfolded.
- Throwing balls into buckets, like basketball.
- Using cups to capture balls rolling down a ramp.
- Bowling with tires.
- A stand-on-one-foot balancing challenge.
Andrea took the following video of Prueba 6:
The theme of the race had something to do with gnomes and “patica con pan” (bread), which I didn’t understand and had to ask Andrea about. Patica con pan, she explained, is a song and dance, with pan signifying a sound, much like bam! does in English. Of course, pan also means bread in Spanish.
Puns aside, I enjoyed the nighttime hike, which had beautiful views over the route of at least seven kilometers. (I had my Garmin on auto-stop so it may have measured the distance short. Ali recorded nine kilometers, and Andrea ten.)
The evening nap must have helped because I stayed wide awake during the entire event!

There are 2 comments.
This....is sooo fun! I definitely want to play! 😀
I can imagine you having a lot of fun at that challenge, Tammi!