A great surprise: I run into Jonah, my roommate during 1994-5 at Stanford, by complete coincidence as he is coming down while we are going up. We seem to randomly run into each other every few years or so!
Jonah with Felix, who was sweating profusely not so much because the day was warm (it wasn't) but because he was carrying 39 lbs. of mainly iron weights in his pack. "Good training"
Our group at the top, enjoying the view: Merry (5th from the left), Doug, Kathleen, Adrian, and Evelyn. Sorry to cut half of you off in this picture, Evelyn!
Merry and Felix, munching on some honey whole wheat pretzels from Trader Joe's... yum...
The view of the bay. You can see the main trail we switchbacked up. Due to "East Bay" restoration projects, it seemed like access to the top was limited to the main trail; gone are the steeper singletrack fireroads of yore.