Another Goldie Update
Having recently been able to look at (and sit in!) a friend’s red 1967 MGB roadster in Fort Collins, I wondered about how Goldie, the pale primrose yellow 1969 British roadster I enjoyed for 12 years, was faring. Happily, Steve (the MG’s new owner) just sent me an update.
As it turns out, the vintage sports car is hibernating during Montreal’s long winter. It also appears that she is in need of a bit of work to be roadworthy again, which is in contrast to last August when Steve reported she was running great. Her oil pressure relief valve may be sticking and the brake master cylinder is leaking now. Fortunately, Steve has a whole school bus of spare parts and the time and energy to tackle these issues.
Below is his report. I am really looking forward to receiving some photos from him, but as he does not have a digital camera it sounds like he will mail some.
Hi Felix, I’m exhausted, thank you. I hope to recover. My friend went down to Kansas City for three weeks to help her aunt who had just returned from the hospital. Besides my own animals, I had to look after her two dogs and twenty-six cats (most of which seem to be both bulimic and incontinent. I just picked up my friend at the aeroport last night.
As for the MG, she is hibernating. Last October I put her away in a farmer’s barn. I put a groundsheet down first to inhibit any dampness coming up from the ground. Then I drove it in, put her up on blocks and took the wheels home.The rims (and spokes) have now been sprayed with WD40 and left in a dry heated place. The battery is also out. Also, I put a big towel on the driver’s floor to absorb brake fluid as the rear seal on the master leaks.
I put lots of mothballs all over the car to repel mice and raccoons. I covered the ‘B with my soft dust cover and then with a plastic tarp. I won’t be able to take her out until mid-April because I am blocked by some trailers and boats. That really doesn’t matter because I always wait for a few good rains to wash away any salt on the roads before taking her out.
As for snow, we have been really lucky. Two years ago we had near record snows but this year seems to be just the opposite. We had two storms in December but nothing more than three inches since then. There is less than a foot of snow in the fields.
As for repairs, I will do something about the master cylinder. I am thinking about replacing it with a power unit (probably from a 2004 Neon) which requires very little modification. The monstrous air cleaner setup will be changed for a pair of flat ones with chrome covers. Just before I put her away, she was not running all that well. The first thing I will do is get her hot and change the oil and filter. Then check the plugs, points and wires and timing.
I will take her in to a specialist to adjust the carbs properly. Only then will I tackle the oil pressure issue. There is a valve on the side of the block that may be sticking.
The cassette tape [player] was not working and will be replaced. Before I put the MGB away I removed the custom wood console so that I could do a good job. I want to replace the torn tonneau cover. As you know, I have a school bus full of British parts. The problem is that it is packed from floor to ceiling and front to back. I can see a nice red tonneau cover through a window (from a 66B) and I have to get to it somehow. I MAY replace the seats with something more comfortable—after an hour I get pretty stiff.
Your friend’s ’67 MGB (in Fort Collins) sounds really great. I personally feel that ’67 was the best year. I much prefer a metal dash. Also it really smells like a real British sports car! There is nothing like the smell of Connolly hide (I remember my ’68 MGB GT).
That is all for now. I will send you a picture of the ‘B. Please let me know if you are still at the same address. Take care…..Steve