Sustainability Fair
For someone who makes an effort to be eco-friendly—at least within the parameters of my love of sports cars, motorcycles, and traveling—it’s kind of a shame that until now I’ve never attended the annual Sustainability Fair of Fort Collins. It’s another bummer that this year I only allocated one hour within my overloaded schedule to attend the event since it became quickly apparent that a person could easily spend a whole weekend there.
My one hour actually ballooned into two because at the venue—Legacy Park north of Old Town—I encountered my good friends Charis, Dave, Shantel and Tori. We enjoyed our happy reunion over burgers made from grass-fed beef and free snack bags filled with organic fruit-and-nut bars and other edible treats.
Afterward, I made quick rounds of the tents. Catching my eyes immediately were electric Porsche 914 conversions, battery-powered motorbikes and even bicycles hand-crafted in Fort Collins from bamboo. A plethora of nontoxic, environmentally friendly products were on display along with functional eco-art.
Various tents featured guest lecturers and demonstrations. Wish I had time to attend any of these.
The last thing to catch my eye was a Dream Board where anyone could write down and share their Utopian desires. Wishes included, “When we can transport ourselves far without fossil fuel,” “That my children will make choices based on education and from the heart,” and “I dream of when the power of love outweighs the love of power.” Pretty inspiring stuff, really.
When I left I couldn’t help feel slightly more optimistic, a tad more aware, even a bit inspired. Among my resolutions was that the next time I go, I’d devote an entire day for the fair. Next year for sure.