Pottery Painting
Our group art session went so well in January (well, except that my oil painting came out pink) that my Furnace Creek 508 crew goddesses and I decided to have another one—particularly after another fantastic Living Social offer came up. This time, purchasing a $15 voucher gave us $30 worth of pottery to paint and studio fees—a nice 50% discount.
There was just the matter of what to paint, then. As I have been trying to drink more health-enhancing green tea lately, a mug with a side pocket for tea bags as suggested by Raquel was just my cup of tea, so to speak. I painted this with flames.
Raquel picked out a napkin holder. Except that she did intended to use it for storing mail, not napkins. Her end result sort of looked like a watermelon slice. It looked so good that I almost wanted to eat it.
Tori—the green thumb Wall-O-Water mamma who has been particularly prolific in her home garden vegetable production this year—selected a garden stake and a mug. For the former, she settled on a “flying cats” theme, which she created using paint stampers shaped like cats that were available in the shop.
Here is a photo of our pottery before glazing:

And here is a photo of my tea cup and Raquel’s napkin holder after glazing:

Not bad, yes? At least not Raquel’s.
I would say I enjoyed the Picasso & Wine canvas oil painting event a little more, if only because we had expert instruction and there was wine involved. But painting at Dynamik Ceramix was pretty fun too.
It remains to be seen what other Living Social deals come up that would be good for the Crew Goddesses and me.