Hearthfire Holiday Lights
Hats off to my girlfriend for this most excellent idea. “We should go biking at night one of these days to look at all the Christmas lights in the neighborhood,” she suggested.
Andrea was enthusiastic about the holiday lights displays in our neighborhood because in her home country of Spain, hardly anyone decorates the outside of their house. She explained that anything you put outside the house would likely be “gone” the next day, which surprised me because the crime rate in Spain far lower than that of the United States. It turns out that almost all crime in Spain is theft.
Anyhow, we picked a Saturday night to do this, with Andrea riding the Huffster while I rolled along on Cranky the venerable Cannondale F700. The temperature, despite being in December, could hardly be better: 9C or 48F. Moreover, the air was still and we were warm and comfortable for the entire hour we biked around.
Kudos go to my neighbors too for being so being in the holiday spirit. Nearly every house in the Hearthfire subdivision had Christmas lights. Too bad I didn’t contribute (Andrea insists that my colored indoor Hue lamps don’t count) to the festive displays. Maybe I will another year that we are here.