A Different Kind of Adventure
Nine days have passed since the Sulphur Springs 100, but I can’t say I’ve been able to reflect too long on that crazy run due to preparing for another upcoming adventure: a 2711-mile mountain bike race from Canada to Mexico called the Tour Divide. A couple weeks ago I submitted a letter of intent:
I am Felix Wong, a Paris-Brest-Paris ancien, Cannondale aficionado, and man of multiple follies. I hereby submit my intent to depart from common sense and the safe haven of Fort Collins, Colorado, home of Fat Tire beer, to throw myself at the caprices of Mother Nature and to ride myself into shape on the holy dirt trails of the Great Divide. I will arrive in Banff via Greyhound undertrained and fluent in “eh?”, hoping to make it to the Mexico border on nothing but two wheels, more processed foods than I have eaten all year, and a can-do spirit befitting of Leonardo da Vinci. Oh, and water. Lots and lots of water. Bring on the thunderstorms and monsoons; I’ll be ready.
I’ll post more details soon—including how to track me during the race starting June 13th—but in the meantime, not only do I have to pack my mountain bike (and about 12 pounds of gear) in a bike box for a bus ride up to Banff next week, I need to get ready to be a groomsman in my buddy Dan‘s wedding in Florida this weekend. And so the crazy schedule continues…

One comment:
hey felix, along with whatever cosmic tracking you might have up your sleeve, your jealous friends can covet all your suffering realtime on: www.tourdivide.org/leaderboard