Good Times with the Neighbors
A dear family friend has told me several times in the past that your neighbors are sometimes more important than whom you are related to. In my case, I have been lucky to count my neighbors Dick, Dee, and Tim as part of my surrogate Fort Collins family.
Dick and Dee had moved from Florida and purchased the home next door in March 2005, or nine months before I moved in. Initially, I’m sure, they thought of me as something of an oddity. Besides being the only bachelor in the neighborhood, I lived alone, didn’t seem to have to work, and drove an antiquated, traction-challenged Italian sports car in a state that is famous for having some snow. It didn’t help that I did somewhat unusual things like run seven miles to/from the grocery store in 0-degree Fahrenheit weather.
But they had a son Tim whom—after graduating from college in Florida—would come stay with them for the holidays. Or in between English teaching jobs in South Korea and Poland. Dee encouraged us to hang out and, indeed, we had a lot to bond over, including a love of languages, fitness, and sports.
Over the years Tim and I did the following things together: go to Spanish and French conversation groups, swim in the lake and neighborhood pool, run and bike, participate in races, and even go on a double date or two. Tim quickly became one of my best buds, and through our friendship, his parents and I have become great friends as well.
So for this winter holiday I was particularly touched when Dee gave me an early x-mas present: a slideshow she made of Tim and me over the years! Not only does it capture many of our good times, but I think it depicts the quality of life in Fort Collins very well.
The slideshow of Tim and me, as made by Dee.
Unfortunately, Dick and Dee are now trying to sell their home so they can move back to Florida where they have a few daughters. Tim—who will be living with them while he completes his MBA—will also move too. I will miss my favorite neighbors dearly.
If you are interested in buying their home and moving into my awesome neighborhood, please leave a comment below and I will e-mail you details. Then we can be neighbors, too!