Bike With ISP Fits in Bike Case
Integrated seat posts potentially can save a few grams from a bicycle frame versus traditional seat posts, and can have some theoretical aerodynamic benefits. Of course, rationality pales next to the real reason people covet them: ISPs are sexy!
But cyclists usually have two concerns about them: 1) whether there would be enough saddle height adjustability, and 2) if the frame can fit into a standard bike box for airline travel. Regarding the former, my Litespeed C2 offers up to 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) of upward adjustability using spacers provided by Litespeed (to go downward, I’d have to cut the frame). About the latter, I have an answer—sort of.
If you look at the photo at the top of this post, it seems like my medium frame will fit in my standard-sized Trico Iron Case. Unfortunately, I took this photo exactly one year ago before attaching the crankset and forgot to try it with the crankarms installed. But it looks like with the crankset on, it will just barely fit.
Worst case scenario is I’d have to remove the right crankarm (or large chainring). Which would be something I wouldn’t look forward to, but definitely would make it possible.
Not that I’m contemplating flying anywhere with the Super Bike any time soon. Alas, I’ve only taken the Litespeed out on the road once this year (Canny has been getting most of my attention instead).
Speaking of bike cases, if you live in the Fort Collins area and need a hard case for travel, I am offering mine up for loan for cycle tourists and triathletes. See my post “For Rent: Bike Box in Fort Collins” for more details.