We returned from vacation in Costa Rica a month ago, but photos are still coming in....
After visiting a few other Central American countries, Costa Rica was a surprise. Clean, lush and safe, the country has a motto uttered by locals in response to any question concerning “how are you”: “pura vida“. No wonder millions of vacationers from around the world each year flock to the land of “pure life.”
We returned from vacation in Costa Rica a month ago, but photos are still coming in....
"Sí," I replied to a friend who was wondering if we intended to see any sloths...
You can thank Tori, Facebook, and Heidi the cross-eyed opossum for this post. Yes, somehow an e-mail...
Were it not for the mosquitoes, there were many reasons I should have gotten an excellent...
After the easterly 205-mile drive from Dominical on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, we made...
You might have guessed that after a couple of near put-me-in-the-hospital road incidents a few months...
Have you ever wanted to be a monkey swinging from tree to tree in the canopy...
Half of the days we were in Costa Rica, chefs (generously brought in by Karie) came...
Considering the revolutions, coups and civil wars of the 20th century---e.g., Russia, Cuba, Iran---it's hard for...
It did not seem very long ago that I was in a warm, Central American country...
Costa Rica is a subtopic of Travel. See Travel's other subtopics and posts.